Questions You Might Have :
1) What is Trailer Space?
Trailer Space is a sprawling, warehouse conveniently located on Austin's East Side. In the very near future, it'll be one of your favorite hang-outs, performance spaces and record stores. But on New Year's Eve, the owner is simply being kind enough to let us borrow his joint, and for that, we thank him. Spartan though the venue might be at present, they've got big, big plans. And we humbly ask those in attendence to treat the space as they would their own home. Unless you piss in your own sink, in which case you should treat it like I'd treat my own home.
2) Will There Be Beer?
Yes. But you are encouraged to bring your own as we'll probably run out pretty early.
3) What's The Running Order?
We're not entirely sure. Though we're fairly certain Follow That Bird! are going to play first. Other than that, let's try not to stress out over it. Your DJ's for the evening are having a hard enough time tracking down a copy of the first Starz album.
4) Why Wasn't This Organized Sooner?
We just thought of it the other day. That, and it took about a day and a half to get all the talent rounded up.
5) What's The Parking Situation Like?
It could be a lot worse. For instance, we could be having a party in the woods. Other than that, you are encouraged to take a cab and/or appoint a friend you don't like very much to be your designated chauffer.